2022 English 6-Red Championship Qualifier (South) - Groups

MP = Matches Played; MW = Matches Won; ML = Matches Lost; FW = Frames Won; FL = Frames Lost; FA = Frame Average (FW - FL / MP); Diff = Frames Won - Frames Lost; HB = Highest break
Click on the Group number to see the group's matches.
Group A
Player MP MW ML FW FL FA Diff
England Marcos Dayao 4 4 0 12 2 2.5 10
England Steve Grimble 4 3 1 10 4 1.5 6
England Andrew Darken 4 2 2 7 8 -0.25 -1
England Elias Martin-Beris 4 1 3 5 9 -1 -4
China Lynn Shi 4 0 4 1 12 -2.75 -11
Group B
Player MP MW ML FW FL FA Diff
England Sean O'Sullivan 4 3 1 10 3 1.75 7
England Adam Stacey 4 3 1 11 5 1.5 6
England Andy Battams 4 2 2 8 9 -0.25 -1
England James Budd 4 2 2 7 9 -0.5 -2
England Desmond Osborne 4 0 4 2 12 -2.5 -10