Frame sheet: Scarborough vs James - Frame 5

Shot Shot time
16:23:16 - Frame 5 ended. James won 16-48(48).
Scarborough potted the pink. Break 7
Scarborough potted a red. Break 1
James missed a red. -
Scarborough missed a colour at 9. -
Scarborough potted a red. Break 9
Scarborough potted the black. Break 8
Scarborough potted a red. Break 1
James missed a red at 48. -
James potted the black. Break 48
James potted a red. Break 41
James potted the black. Break 40
James potted a red. Break 33
James potted the black. Break 32
James potted a red. Break 25
James potted the black. Break 24
James potted a red. Break 17
James potted the black. Break 16
James potted a red. Break 9
James potted the black. Break 8
James potted a red. Break 1
Scarborough played safe. -
16:20:52 - Frame 5. Matthew Scarborough to break.
00:02:24 duration
21 shots played
9 reds potted
0 yellows potted
0 greens potted
0 browns potted
0 blues potted
1 pink potted
7 blacks potted
0 respotted blacks potted
0 fouls committed