Frame sheet: Alhaddad vs Shehab - Frame 1

Shot Shot time
16:25:10 - Frame 1 ended. Shehab won 10-76(70).
Shehab missed a red at 6. 19.1
Shehab potted the blue. Break 6
Shehab potted a red. Break 1
Alhaddad played safe. 19.1
Shehab missed a red. 5.3
Alhaddad missed a red at 6. 41.1
Alhaddad potted the blue. Break 6
Alhaddad potted a red. Break 1
Shehab missed a red at 70. 49.3
Shehab potted the blue. Break 70
Shehab potted a red. Break 65
Shehab potted the black. Break 64
Shehab potted a red. Break 57
Shehab potted the black. Break 56
Shehab potted a red. Break 49
Shehab potted the black. Break 48
Shehab potted a red. Break 41
Shehab potted the black. Break 40
Shehab potted a red. Break 33
Shehab potted the black. Break 32
Shehab potted a red. Break 25
Shehab potted the black. Break 24
Shehab potted a red. Break 17
Shehab potted the black. Break 16
Shehab potted a red. Break 9
Shehab potted the black. Break 8
Shehab potted a red. Break 1
Alhaddad missed a colour at 4. 20.1
Alhaddad potted a red. Break 4
Alhaddad potted a red. Break 3
Alhaddad potted a red. Break 2
Alhaddad potted a red. Break 1
16:09:54 - Frame 1. Yazan Alhaddad to break.
Cannot show match log as the scoring method is Manual Entry.