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Player Vicky Gibbs's matches in the 2011 Southern Classic (Plate)
This match is not ready to start. Please make sure players, referee and table are available.
Scheduled start
Best of
P1 points start
P2 points start
Swap players
Change a player for a different one. Keep in mind this only alters this specific match, it does not impact other matches in the draw.
Player 1
Player 2
Scratch match
Scratching this match will strike it through, and the match will not count towards results & statistics, but it will not be removed. Seedings are also unaffected.
Manual Entry
You can update the score during the match, or add a result.
Frame scores
Switch to Manual Entry
Warning: This is irreversible and should only be used in case of technical issues.Change
Best of
Match start
Match end
You can update the score during the match, or add a result.
Frame scores
Match start
Match end
Scratch match
Scratching this match will strike it through, and the match will not count towards results & statistics, but it will not be removed. Seedings are also unaffected.
Unscratch match
Undo walkover
This match was decided by a walkover.
Select scoring method to start
Best of
You must assign the match to a table before choosing this scoring method.
The table assigned to this match already has a match running on it.
You are about to start the following matches with the Manual Entry scoring method: