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Player Philip Williams's matches in the World Seniors Championship Event 7
Frame scores
77(60)-30; 44-61; 0-100(100); 34-73; 49-51
This match is not ready to start. Please make sure players, referee and table are available.
Scheduled start
Best of
P1 points start
P2 points start
Swap players
Change a player for a different one. Keep in mind this only alters this specific match, it does not impact other matches in the draw.
Player 1
Player 2
Scratch match
Scratching this match will strike it through, and the match will not count towards results & statistics, but it will not be removed. Seedings are also unaffected.
Manual Entry
You can update the score during the match, or add a result.
Frame scores
Switch to Manual Entry
Warning: This is irreversible and should only be used in case of technical issues.Change
Best of
Match start
Match end
You can update the score during the match, or add a result.
Frame scores
Match start
Match end
Scratch match
Scratching this match will strike it through, and the match will not count towards results & statistics, but it will not be removed. Seedings are also unaffected.
Unscratch match
Undo walkover
This match was decided by a walkover.
Select scoring method to start
Best of
You must assign the match to a table before choosing this scoring method.
The table assigned to this match already has a match running on it.
You are about to start the following matches with the Manual Entry scoring method: